Digital marketers—like you!—are all stars. You have your hands full with all the many ways to reach your audience. At any given time, you may need to be fluent in email, content and social media because your audience is cross-platform.
Few people make buying decisions anymore based on information from a single medium. So when marketers focus all their energy on one channel, they could be missing out on other opportunities and the natural rhythms of the buying cycle.
So how can you keep on top of channels as different as social media and email? And how can you do so in the most efficient way possible?
I’m excited to share a number of ways to integrate social media and email marketing to help save you time and let you reach your audience where they are. In this post, I’ll show you six of my favorite tactics to get more out of each channel.
Upload your subscriber list to social networks.
There are a few key reasons you might want to do this:
Relationships. It puts a face and a name to your email subscribers.
Listening. Following them on social networks will give you a better idea of their needs and wants.
Community. If you are publishing interesting content on social networks, you might earn some new followers.
Uploading your subscribers to social networks differs by platform.
There are number of ways to integrate social media and email marketing
to help save you time and let you reach your audience where they are
Run retargeting ads on Facebook and Twitter for people who click your emails
This is a super smart trick that hardly anyone takes advantage of. Blindly running ads is an easy way to
spend a lot of money. But matching intent and interest with targeted ads is a good way to
make a lot of money.
Here’s how retargeting works.
You install a tracking code on your website. This allows your ad platform to cookie visitors, then show them ads on other platforms (like Facebook).
If you create a targeted email campaign for your subscribers, then retarget only the ones that clicked through, you eliminate guesswork. Social networks are perfect platforms to run your ads because 1) it’s affordable and 2) these sites are heavily trafficked.
Let social networks send emails for you
File this strategy under “indirect email marketing”.
The key to making this work is to run a great community. It’s not about self-promotion — rather it’s about helping people in your niche. If you’re able to do that and grow your group’s membership, you’ll end up in the inbox on a daily or weekly basis.
As an added bonus, the emails are really good. The “from” name is the same as the group name. They tease new content and use a nice blue button to call readers to action.
Automate email outreach to drive more social shares
What’s the secret to getting influential people and blogs to share your content?
Social proof.
I’m hesitant to reveal this strategy because it’s one of our best weapons here at Vero but we believe in transparency, so here we go.
When you publish new content, you have to seed it with shares before you can ask influential people to share it too. If you write something great, then email Guy Kawasaki asking him to share it five minutes later, he will see that it has no shares.
The content has not been validated.
That’s where email comes in.
Collect email addresses on Twitter and Facebook
Did you know that people can signup for your email newsletter directly on Twitter? It’s really easy to setup and works very well.
So how can you get started for yourself? First, let’s take a look at what you’ll need:
Something valuable to give away: No one is giving away their email address for free. Be prepared to offer a book, guide, webinar, course or something else valuable.
A privacy policy: Because there is an exchange of sensitive contact data, you must show Twitter and Twitter users how that data will be handled.
A credit card: Even if you don’t plan to run ads, Twitter requires a credit card to use this tool.
Create an exclusive social group for your email subscribers
The key to the success of this approach is to create a highly engaged closed group with really useful and engaging content on social networks. To join the group, everyone must leave their email, and invite a certain number of friends to join the group.
However, this is a strategy not appreciated.
Above are strategies that may be useful for Digital Markers combining Email Marketing and Social Marketing.
Marketing managers can also see this as an option for the marketing strategy of the business in this coming year.
See also:
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